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★2024-2학기 학위논문제출자격시험 일시 안내★
작성자 김** 작성일 2024-08-22 조회수 61

*2024-2학기 학위논문제출자격시험 일시


1) 시험일시: 2024. 09. 25(수) 석사과정: 14:00~16:00 / 박사 및 통합 과정: 14:00~17:00

2) 시험장소: 2호관 412호

3) 제출서류: 졸업자격시험 지원서에 지도교수님 서명 받아 9월 13일(금) 12:00까지 학과사무실로 반드시 제출

*이번학기 외국어시험 면제자는 관련 서류를 9월 13일(금) 15:00까지 학과사무실로 제출 바랍니다.

    이번학기 시험응시자가 아니시라면 9월 30일(월)까지 외국어시험면제서류를 제출 바랍니다.

   (외국어시험을 통과 혹은 면제해야 논문 작성이 가능합니다. 외국인 학생은 반드시 면제서류를 제출해야 합니다.)


*Dissertation Qualifying Examination Dates for the 2nd semester of 2024

1) Examination date: September 25, 2024 (Wed) Master's program: 14:00~16:00 / Doctoral and integrated program: 14:00~17:00

2) Test location: Building 2, Room 412

3) Documents to be submitted: Graduation Qualifying Examination Application Form signed by your advisor and submitted to the department office by Friday, September 13, 12:00 p.m.

*If you are exempted from the foreign language exam this semester, please submit the relevant documents to the department office by Friday, September 13, 15:00.

   If you are not taking the exam this semester, please submit the exemption form by Monday, September 30th.

   (Foreign students must pass or waive the foreign language examination in order to write their thesis.)